Monday Funday is currently unable to be offered as it was in 2020-21 due to Mondays no longer being asynchronous learning days. However, we will continue to try to offer fun & faith building programs for youth grades K-6th. If you have any ideas for what you would like to see St. Luke Youth Ministry offer, email me at [email protected] or give me a call, (703) 356-3092.
St. Luke Youth Ministry is excited to offer a new opportunity for K-6 families on Mondays from 9:30am-12:30pm!
Who: students in K-6 (first come, first serve, parishioners and friends welcome)
When and Where: Mondays from 9:30am-12:30pm in Flaherty Hall
Cost: $300 for 7 week session (May 3 to June 14). Email Tiffany if financial assistance is needed.
What to bring: Laptop (power strips and internet access will be available), school supplies, mask, and lunch
- Academic support adapted to the current FCPS Monday schedule: The first 90 minutes will be dedicated to learning. High school teens and youth ministry staff will be available to help students complete asynchronous learning and connect online for teacher-directed intervention and support.
- Faith and Community: The second half of each day will be dedicated to facilitating positive social interaction and growth in our Catholic faith. If the weather is nice, we'll get outside for fresh air and fun. Fr. Joseph, youth ministry staff, and high school teens will facilitate engaging faith-based activities.
- COVID Safety: We will follow the guidance of public health officials and the Diocese of Arlington for social-distancing, hygiene, and sanitizing. We will be in Flaherty hall and registration will be limited to 15 spots to ensure plenty of space for each student. Every family must agree to perform a health screening (see below) before attending any day and to quarantine. And everyone must agree to inform the parish as soon as possible after learning of a child or household member's suspected or confirmed positive case of COVID-10 and/or the need to quarantine due to close contact with a person suspected or confirmed positive for COVID-19.
Who: students in K-6 (first come, first serve, parishioners and friends welcome)
When and Where: Mondays from 9:30am-12:30pm in Flaherty Hall
Cost: $300 for 7 week session (May 3 to June 14). Email Tiffany if financial assistance is needed.
What to bring: Laptop (power strips and internet access will be available), school supplies, mask, and lunch
Sample Schedule
Before arrival: complete morning check-in with your teacher (attendance, get asynchronous assignments, confirm time - if applicable - when you need to log back into your online classroom while at Monday Funday)
9:30am: individual learning, tutoring and encouragement with asynchronous assignments, support reconnecting in your online classroom as needed, breaks
9:30am: individual learning, tutoring and encouragement with asynchronous assignments, support reconnecting in your online classroom as needed, breaks
11:00am: lunch (bring from home) 11:30am: recess (outdoors if possible) 12:00pm: faith activity (crafts, skits, etc.) |
11:00am: recess (outdoors if possible) 11:30am: lunch (bring from home) 12:00pm: faith activity (scavenger hunt, talks, etc.) |
12:30pm: dismissal
Health Screening
Every family is required to perform the health screening below and affirm that the responses to all questions are NO in order to participate on any day:
YES or NO, neither I nor my child(ren) have any of the following:
• A fever of 100.4°F. (38°C.) or higher or a sense of having a fever during the past 72 hours
• New or unexpected cough that cannot be attributed to another health condition
• New shortness of breath or difficulty breathing that cannot be attributed to another health condition
• New chills that cannot be attributed to another health condition
• A new sore throat that cannot be attributed to another health condition
• New muscle aches that cannot be attributed to another health condition or specific activity (such as physical exercise)
• New loss of taste or smell
• Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
YES or NO, in the past 14 days, neither I nor my child(ren) have done any of the following:
• Cared for or had other close contact with a person suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19
• Travelled internationally
• Currently living with a person who has exhibited symptoms of COVID-19 or is currently under quarantine due to close contact with a person suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19
YES or NO, neither I nor my child(ren) have any of the following:
• A fever of 100.4°F. (38°C.) or higher or a sense of having a fever during the past 72 hours
• New or unexpected cough that cannot be attributed to another health condition
• New shortness of breath or difficulty breathing that cannot be attributed to another health condition
• New chills that cannot be attributed to another health condition
• A new sore throat that cannot be attributed to another health condition
• New muscle aches that cannot be attributed to another health condition or specific activity (such as physical exercise)
• New loss of taste or smell
• Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
YES or NO, in the past 14 days, neither I nor my child(ren) have done any of the following:
• Cared for or had other close contact with a person suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19
• Travelled internationally
• Currently living with a person who has exhibited symptoms of COVID-19 or is currently under quarantine due to close contact with a person suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19
Goal Sheets
Goal sheets are a tool for the academic support portion of the program. If you have time and it is of benefit, students and parents can take a couple minutes before arriving to identify goals for the day, e.g. complete math worksheets, 20 minutes of individual reading, etc. Otherwise staff and tutors will work with students at the start of the day to identify goals for completing assignments. Goal sheets will be sent home each day in an effort to further facilitate communication.