Daily Resources and Readings

Click here and then on the calendar date, and you will see the readings for Mass on that day.
New American Bible translation.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Click on <Church Documents> to see the complete texts of the Bible, of all the documents released by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, all Vatican Statements, and other official texts
View the complete text of the Catechism of the Catholic Church here on the USCCB's website.
Arlington Diocese Locate parishes and schools through out the diocese, read messages from the bishop, and see the latest press releases.
Documents and information from the Diocesan Office of Sacred Liturgy
This is the weekly Catholic newspaper for the Diocese of Arlington.
Catholic City This website has recent news articles, free books and CDs, prayers and devotions, and a really good list of links for nearly any other topic regarding the faith.
Bible Gateway A website to use if you know a word or phase from the Bible but you can't think of it's origination. It also works if you want to find every passage that pertains to a certain word, such as all the references to sheep.
Know someone who left the Catholic Church for one reason or another? This website goes through the real stories of pain and healing for people who have left and then been reunited with the Church. It has reading rooms and also offers real help through appropriate direction.
Search here for your favorite saints, by name or by category. This site contains information –sometimes very brief and sometimes longer - about each saint. Includes all the different spellings for each saint.
Another site for Saints.
Saints are big in the Catholic Church! Saint of the Day