Infant Baptism Preparation
Baptizing Your Infant
Saint Luke Catholic Church is delighted to welcome the youngest members of your family into the Body of Christ through the Sacrament of Baptism!
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to do to have my child baptized?
At Saint Luke, we ask that at least one parent (both, if possible) attend an hour and a half session prior to having their child baptized. The Baptism Preparation Class will be facilitated by one of our priests and is offered in Room 14 on the lower level of the Rectory. One of our priests will contact you to arrange a time and date for the class. This session is designed to help you explore what being a Catholic Christian parent will mean for you and your family, what your child gains by being baptized and what you need to know when the big day comes! Additionally, we ask that families become registered members of the church before the baptism. Parents must also select at least one qualified individual to serve as a Godparent.
Who can be a Godparent?
A Godparent assists a child's parents in caring for the spiritual well-being and growth of that child for the rest of his or her life. As it is an official position in the Catholic Church, bound by a Sacrament of the Church, at least one Godparent must be a practicing Catholic 16 years of age or older who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation. This Godparent needs to request a Certificate of Eligibility from his or her home parish to be submitted to Saint Luke before the day of baptism. Click here to read the requirements of a godparent.
Does baptism cost me anything?
There is no fee to have your child baptized. However, it is customary to make a free-will offering to the priest. These offerings range widely, depending on what is within the family's means to give.
Is it possible to have the baptism celebrated at another Church but do the preparation here?
Of course! The other parish will require a Letter of Permission from our Pastor to baptize the child at their church. Please contact the parish office to obtain the Letter. Also, check with the other parish to be sure you have satisfied their requirements.
When can we have our baptism?
At Saint Luke, we conduct Baptisms after the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sundays. The Parish Office will work with you to schedule a date that is best for you and your family.
Why should I have my child baptized?
Baptism is the Sacrament which opens the door to all other Sacraments in our Church. In Baptism, the grace of God is literally poured out over your child, strengthening him or her to live a life infused with the blessing of God. Baptism also grants membership in the Church, which is the family of God on earth. As it is a free gift from God, independent of the mental state of the recipient, infants are just as eligible as anyone else. It is the beginning of a new kind of life and, as a parent, you promise to work with God and the Church to offer all the tools and instruction necessary to live a life modeled after Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Baptizing Your Infant
Saint Luke Catholic Church is delighted to welcome the youngest members of your family into the Body of Christ through the Sacrament of Baptism!
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to do to have my child baptized?
At Saint Luke, we ask that at least one parent (both, if possible) attend an hour and a half session prior to having their child baptized. The Baptism Preparation Class will be facilitated by one of our priests and is offered in Room 14 on the lower level of the Rectory. One of our priests will contact you to arrange a time and date for the class. This session is designed to help you explore what being a Catholic Christian parent will mean for you and your family, what your child gains by being baptized and what you need to know when the big day comes! Additionally, we ask that families become registered members of the church before the baptism. Parents must also select at least one qualified individual to serve as a Godparent.
Who can be a Godparent?
A Godparent assists a child's parents in caring for the spiritual well-being and growth of that child for the rest of his or her life. As it is an official position in the Catholic Church, bound by a Sacrament of the Church, at least one Godparent must be a practicing Catholic 16 years of age or older who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation. This Godparent needs to request a Certificate of Eligibility from his or her home parish to be submitted to Saint Luke before the day of baptism. Click here to read the requirements of a godparent.
Does baptism cost me anything?
There is no fee to have your child baptized. However, it is customary to make a free-will offering to the priest. These offerings range widely, depending on what is within the family's means to give.
Is it possible to have the baptism celebrated at another Church but do the preparation here?
Of course! The other parish will require a Letter of Permission from our Pastor to baptize the child at their church. Please contact the parish office to obtain the Letter. Also, check with the other parish to be sure you have satisfied their requirements.
When can we have our baptism?
At Saint Luke, we conduct Baptisms after the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sundays. The Parish Office will work with you to schedule a date that is best for you and your family.
Why should I have my child baptized?
Baptism is the Sacrament which opens the door to all other Sacraments in our Church. In Baptism, the grace of God is literally poured out over your child, strengthening him or her to live a life infused with the blessing of God. Baptism also grants membership in the Church, which is the family of God on earth. As it is a free gift from God, independent of the mental state of the recipient, infants are just as eligible as anyone else. It is the beginning of a new kind of life and, as a parent, you promise to work with God and the Church to offer all the tools and instruction necessary to live a life modeled after Our Lord, Jesus Christ.