Musical Ensembles

Festival (Adult) Choir
The Saint Luke Festival Choir sings at the 11:00 Mass from the second Sunday in September through the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 9:15pm
The choir is a vibrant spiritual and musical community within our parish. The purpose of the choir is to support the singing of the Assembly, and to provide musical leadership through singing hymns, psalms, acclamations, and choral repertoire. Music selections range from Gregorian chant to music of the present day.
The Festival Choir is open to all who love to sing. No auditions are necessary. High School students are always welcome. Please contact Michael Cedrone if you would like to join.
Contemporary Ensemble
Singers and instrumentalists are welcome to join the Contemporary Ensemble, which provides music for the Sunday 9AM liturgy twice per month. High school students and adults who play a band or orchestral instrument are encouraged to join. Singers are welcome and will sing a varied repertoire. The group practices at 8am Sunday to play at the 9am Mass. Please contact Michael Cedrone if you would like to join.
Youth Choir
Andrea Knepper is the Director of our Youth Choir. Choir members will learn a wide repertoire from ancient to modern music, study music theory, vocal technique, and learn to sing in several languages. The Youth Choir is open to children in grade 2-8, with weekly rehearsals and singing at Mass twice per month.
School Choir
The St. Luke School Choir is comprised of singers from Grades 3-8 at Saint Luke School. It is directed by Mr. William Tell, the school music teacher. This choir leads the singing of the assembly at weekly school Masses. In addition, the choir performs at school assemblies. For more information contact Mr. Tell at the school.
Cantors are responsible for proclaiming the Psalm and leading the Assembly in song. If you are an experienced singer and are interested in cantoring, please contact Michael Cedrone.
Concert Series
The Music in McLean Concert Series, begun in 1993, brings the Washington area's finest musicians into Saint Luke Catholic Church for musical performances.
The Saint Luke Festival Choir sings at the 11:00 Mass from the second Sunday in September through the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 9:15pm
The choir is a vibrant spiritual and musical community within our parish. The purpose of the choir is to support the singing of the Assembly, and to provide musical leadership through singing hymns, psalms, acclamations, and choral repertoire. Music selections range from Gregorian chant to music of the present day.
The Festival Choir is open to all who love to sing. No auditions are necessary. High School students are always welcome. Please contact Michael Cedrone if you would like to join.
Contemporary Ensemble
Singers and instrumentalists are welcome to join the Contemporary Ensemble, which provides music for the Sunday 9AM liturgy twice per month. High school students and adults who play a band or orchestral instrument are encouraged to join. Singers are welcome and will sing a varied repertoire. The group practices at 8am Sunday to play at the 9am Mass. Please contact Michael Cedrone if you would like to join.
Youth Choir
Andrea Knepper is the Director of our Youth Choir. Choir members will learn a wide repertoire from ancient to modern music, study music theory, vocal technique, and learn to sing in several languages. The Youth Choir is open to children in grade 2-8, with weekly rehearsals and singing at Mass twice per month.
School Choir
The St. Luke School Choir is comprised of singers from Grades 3-8 at Saint Luke School. It is directed by Mr. William Tell, the school music teacher. This choir leads the singing of the assembly at weekly school Masses. In addition, the choir performs at school assemblies. For more information contact Mr. Tell at the school.
Cantors are responsible for proclaiming the Psalm and leading the Assembly in song. If you are an experienced singer and are interested in cantoring, please contact Michael Cedrone.
Concert Series
The Music in McLean Concert Series, begun in 1993, brings the Washington area's finest musicians into Saint Luke Catholic Church for musical performances.