Enrollment for Religious Education
Welcome to Saint Luke Religious Education! We are excited to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. This year, Religious Education will look different than previous years as we will be rolling out Family Faith Formation. Family Faith Formation is designed to support you, the parents in your God-given role as the primary educator of your children. This is your right and privilege. On your child’s baptism day, you promised to raise your child up in the Faith. As a parent, you have the most impact on your child’s upbringing in the Faith. As your parish, we are called to assist you on that sacred endeavor and to empower you to fulfill this holy privilege and responsibility. We are thrilled to partner with you in this particular way this year. Our hope is that throughout this year, you will see that we are working not to create more obligations, but instead to create more opportunities to teach and talk with your child(ren) about the Faith.
Starting this year, children will learn about the Catholic Faith primarily from you, the parents. Grades 1-8 will use the online formation, “My Catholic Faith Delivered”, featuring the “Faith and Life” series by Ignatius Press. Children in Kindergarten will use a textbook targeted for that age level. Parents may instruct all their children together or separately.Every Sunday morning or Monday evening, your children and you, their parent, will participate in sessions with a catechetical facilitator who reviews the week's lesson and guides a discussion. Parents with more than one child may attend the session for any of their children. If you have a child in second or eighth grade, you must attend the session for that child. The on-campus session times allow you to attend Mass at any of the times Mass is offered at St. Luke (Sessions are held on Sundays from 10:10-10:55 AM or Mondays from 5:00-5:45 PM). The reason that we are having these sessions is because many parents say that they are not comfortable teaching the Faith–these are meant to be an aid to them.
If you are comfortable teaching the Faith on your own, we have an option for you to educate your child at home without coming to campus for sessions. With this method, you will work with your child over the span of 6-8 weeks at time throughout the year to complete all lessons and will report back answers to the Religious Education Office. Sessions will begin on Sunday, September 15 and Monday, September 16 and will run through May 4 and May 5, 2025. Session times will be on Sunday Mornings from 10:10-10:55 or Monday evenings from 5:00-5:45. The list of session dates will be distributed at the first session.
Thank you again for joining us this year. We’re looking forward to sharing with you and your family as we work to raise up Saints for the future. We still need Catechetical facilitators to lead our sessions. If you’re interested, please contact our office. Questions can be directed towards Emily Teter at [email protected].
Enrollment can be found here: https://www.saintlukemclean.org/re-enroll.html
Sessions begin on September 15 (Sunday Sessions) and September 16 (Monday Sessions)
Enrollment is open to all children of registered, active parish members.
A copy of each child's Birth Certificate is required.
A copy of each child's Baptism Certificate must accompany your enrollment form or be on file.
All new families must mail or e-mail a copy of their child(ren)'s birth certificate and baptismal certificate before enrollment is complete.
Each family is asked to volunteer for at least four (4) service hours. Please check the ways you are willing to assist on your Enrollment form. If you are volunteering to work with children (catechetical facilitators, assistant facilitators, substitute catechists and hall monitors), you will need to comply with the Diocesan Policy for Volunteers, read and sign a Code of Conduct, and attend the Safe Environment Program: VIRTUS training session. Please contact Page Slusser or Emily Teter to get volunteer. Volunteer hours will correspond with your child's participation in the program as much as possible (e.g. you will teach during the session time your child is in class), in keeping with CDC, VA Health Department, FCPS & Diocesan guidelines.
Diocese of Arlington Religious Education Standards for Learning:
Elementary Religious Education Standards of Learning PK - 8
Your child will be placed in a session when we receive a completed enrollment form, copy of your child(ren)'s Baptism Certificate and payment. Completed enrollments are processed on a first received basis.
Please contact the office Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. The office phone number is 703-356-8419 or [email protected].
Remember that while Religious Education may help in building a child’s Faith foundation, the best way to teach your child(ren) about our Faith and establish their lifelong love of God is by bringing them with you to Mass.
Daily Masses: Monday - Friday 6:45 am, 9:00 am. Saturday: 9:00 am, Vigil Mass 5:30 pm.
Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am (also Live Streamed), 11:00 am.
Confessions: Saturday 4:00 - 5:00 pm and Fridays from 9:30-10 am.
If you have already enrolled and would like to pay online, make a one-time payment in Faith Direct. Scroll to one time gifts then select “Pay Religious Education Fees ” button below.
Enrollment Fees:
K-8th Grade:
One Child: $100
Two Children: $175
Three Children: $250
Four or more children: $50 for each additional child.
Sacrament Administrative Fee:
First Communion: $50
Confirmation: $100
High School Sacramental Prep: $50
Enrollment is not considered complete until payment is received. Please contact the Religious Education Office if a scholarship is needed.