Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I become a member of Saint Luke Church?
Registration cards are on the table by the entrance to Chapel in the church or online. Simply fill out the registration card and return it to the parish office in the rectory or place it in the collection basket at Mass on Sunday.
- How do I prepare for the celebration of sacraments at Saint Luke Church?
Adults wishing to be baptized, confirmed, or received into the full communion of the Catholic Church participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Those wishing to participate in this process are asked to contact the Parochial Vicar.
Arrangements for celebrating the sacrament of Baptism for infants can be made by contacting the Parish Office to set a date and time for the Baptism. Depending on the circumstances, parents may be directed to attend a Baptism Preparation Class with one of our priests before setting the date of the baptism.
Children prepare to celebrate the sacraments of Reconcilliation and First Eucharist and Confirmation as part of their religious education in Saint Luke School and the Parish School of Religion. Children must be enrolled in a religious education program for at least one year prior to their preparation for these sacraments.
Couples wishing to be married at Saint Luke Church must be registered parishioners at Saint Luke Church and should fill out our online form. One of our priests will follow up with the couple to arrange an in-person meeting. Preparation with one of the parish priests or deacons begins at least six months prior to the wedding date.
Any parishioner who wishes to celebrate the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick or who knows of someone in need of this sacrament is asked to contact the parish priests through the parish office (703.356.1255).
To make funerals arrangements after the death of a loved one, please contact Judy Werner in the parish office to begin planning the funeral liturgy.
- What opportunities are available for children's religious education?
The religious education of children takes place in Saint Luke School. For those who do not attend Saint Luke School, the parish offers Religious Education for K-8th grades.
- How about adult religious education?
Numerous opportunities for continuing adult faith formation are available at Saint Luke. We have Waslking with Purpose Bible Study for Women, Adult Bible Study, and That Man Is You (TMIY). In another learning opportunity, the parish sponsors a lecture and question-and-answer series during Lent at Wednesday evening “Soup Suppers.” Outstanding speakers preside at these events. Well qualified presenters also are invited to occasional parish lectures or days or evenings of recollection. Complete information about these opportunities can be found elsewhere on this website. Information also is published regularly in the parish bulletin. Both the website and bulletin also carry information about interesting program held at other parishes.
- How can I volunteer to participate in parish ministries?
If you are new to Saint Luke Church, please indicate your interest in parish ministries on your registration card. A representative of those ministries will call you.
If you are already a parishioner and wish to become more involved, please explore this website. You will find numerous opportunities to volunteer in a large variety of areas – music, liturgy (such as the Eucharistic ministry and proclaiming the Word of God as a lector), adult and child education, giving aid to those in need, helping the aged, enhancing the sense of community among members of the parish and much more. You also can attend the annual autumn parish Ministry Fair where you will find displays for more than fifty parish ministries and people who can answer questions and help you become involved if you choose.
- What type of music can I anticipate when I come to Mass on Sundays?
A cantor leads our Assembly in song at the 5:30 Mass on Saturday night. The contemporary choir sings at the 9:00 Mass, and the adult choir sings at the 11:00 Mass except in the summer.
- What does Saint Luke Church do to help serve the poor?
Quite a bit! From providing food, clothing, furniture, etc. to people in need locally, to financially supporting charitable causes at home and abroad, Saint Luke parishioners strive to be friends to those in need. Details about assistance to the impoverished can be found at various places on this website. Please click here for a detailed description of activities.
- Do parishioners pray the Rosary together?
Yes. On weekdays (including Saturday) parishioners pray the Rosary after the 9:00 Mass. There is also a Holy Hour with Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament on the first Saturday of each month at 8:00 a.m. in the chapel.
- Where do I find the various parish ministers?
The parish priests, parish business manager, office manager, and parish maintenance manager all have offices in the Rectory. The parish minister of music maintains his office above Flaherty Hall (the parish hall connected to the church building). The offices of the school principal and administrator are accessed through the main door of the school building. The office of the Director of Religious Education and the religious education rooms are on the north side of the school building. Access is through the door beneath the smaller blue awning with the large cross above. Youth Ministry also has an office in the school and our youth groups meet in that setting.
- Is there a parish library?
Yes - on the lower level of the rectory. A selection of books available to borrow also is on display in the narthex of the church. Occasionally the librarian puts a selection of books on display in Flaherty Hall for examination after Masses.
- How do I arrange to have a Mass offered or prayers said for someone who is sick or who has died?
Mass cards may be obtained in the parish office in the rectory, and one may stop by or call the rectory in order to have a person's name added to the list of those sick or deceased in the parish bulletin.
- How can I seek information about marriage annulments?
Simply call the parish office and make an appointment with a clergyman. Privacy is assured.
- How do I obtain a parish bulletin if I attend Mass somewhere besides Saint Luke's on Sunday?
There are always extra copies of the bulletin in the parish office and in the two racks in the vestibule of the church.
- What is the diocesan newspaper in the Diocese of Arlington and how do I subscribe?
Upon registering in the parish, parishioners are expected to subscribe to the Arlington Catholic Herald. Please use the envelopes you receive in the mail to help defray the cost of the parish's assessment for the diocesan newspaper.
- How can new parishioners meet new friends at Saint Luke Church?
Introduce yourself to our friendly clergy and parish ministers at church or in our offices. Join your fellow parishioners for a "cup-a-java" and a doughnut after Sunday Mass in Flaherty Hall. Check out opportunities to volunteer and socialize found through this website by clicking here.
Please see our Youth Ministry pages for information on events for young people!
We have a wonderful and growing parish family here at Saint Luke. We are rich in opportunities to serve, to find support when needed and to make new friendships that invariably become fast friendships. Saint Luke people care about their faith, about each other...about you!