APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN - see below for details and how to apply.
What is Workcamp?
WorkCamp is a weeklong camp for high school youth to serve their brothers and sisters in need by making their homes safer, warmer, drier while also having the opportunity to grow in their Catholic faith. WorkCamp combines hands-on service for those in need with a faith-filled and fun atmosphere. Teens get the opportunity to participate in hands-on building projects for residents in need. Throughout the week, participants will be given opportunities for prayer, praise & worship, daily Mass, inspiring talks, Adoration, Reconciliation, along with great food and fun games. WorkCamp is a truly life-changing experience!
who participates in workcamp?
WorkCamp is organized and led by the Catholic Diocese of Arlington Office of Youth, Campus, and Young Adult Ministries. The majority of parishes in the diocese participates with total numbers of youth totaling roughly 800+ each year, along with 500+ adults. WorkCamp typically takes place the last week of June. Participants spend the week living out of a school in VA that is local to the area in which the service is happening. All meals are included throughout the week.
Teens in high school are invited to attend as youth participants. Adults are invited to participate as adult leaders, contractors, afternoon security, homebase volunteers, and by helping coordinate fundraisers and events in preparation for WorkCamp. If you have a disability, call (703-356-3092) or email Benj ([email protected]) to talk about how you can participate. All are welcome!
Teens in high school are invited to attend as youth participants. Adults are invited to participate as adult leaders, contractors, afternoon security, homebase volunteers, and by helping coordinate fundraisers and events in preparation for WorkCamp. If you have a disability, call (703-356-3092) or email Benj ([email protected]) to talk about how you can participate. All are welcome!
WorkCamp 2024
We will be participating in WorkCamp with the Catholic Diocese of Arlington June 22-28, 2024! Homebase location will be at Frederick County Middle School (4661 North Frederick Pike. Winchester, VA 22603) $250 deposit per participant - all other costs will be fundraised, see application form below for details.
WorkCamp is a big, expensive, & awesome operation and it requires a lot of participation from the teens involved as well as the whole family! In the leadup to WorkCamp all teens participating will be required to help with 2 fundraisers and monthly prep meetings. We'll even need some help from families during the week of WorkCamp by participating as daytime security & making sandwiches. See below for a schedule of dates leading up to WorkCamp. If you have any questions about WorkCamp, please contact Benj Emrich at [email protected].
WorkCamp is a big, expensive, & awesome operation and it requires a lot of participation from the teens involved as well as the whole family! In the leadup to WorkCamp all teens participating will be required to help with 2 fundraisers and monthly prep meetings. We'll even need some help from families during the week of WorkCamp by participating as daytime security & making sandwiches. See below for a schedule of dates leading up to WorkCamp. If you have any questions about WorkCamp, please contact Benj Emrich at [email protected].
PREP Schedule for WORKCAMP 2024
Please note, these are mandatory prep requirements for all WorkCamp participants:
- Feb. 10 - Car Raffle Mailing Prep (Fundraiser 1) 12-3pm
- Feb. 8 - Prep Meeting - 7-8:30pm in the Youth Room
- Mar. 7 - Prep Meeting - 7-8:30pm in the Youth Room
- April TBD - (Fundraiser 2)
- May 11 - Prep Meeting (Tool Training) - 12-3pm, location TBD
- Jun. 6 - Prep Meeting - 7-8:30pm in the Youth Room
- *Attend 3 Life Teen sessions before May - Sundays 6:15-8:15pm in the Youth Room