The goal of St. Luke Youth Ministry is to lead young people to a Christ-like life by fostering the personal and spiritual growth of all the young people we serve. We accomplish this goal by helping young people to encounter Christ, build intentional communities that are centered on Christ, supporting parents & families, encouraging involvement which invigorates parish life, and having fun.
Check out our Calendar as well as our High School and Middle School tabs for more information about our ministries!
Want to sign up? You can go straight to registration pages below!
Benjamin Emrich
Director of Youth Ministry [email protected] (703) 356 – 3092 (Youth Ministry Office Phone) |
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Follow us on Instagram at "saintlukeyouth"!
My office is located at St. Luke Catholic School; first door on the right directly inside the door under the big cross with the blue awning. See below for a near exact location of where to enter: